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10 Methods to Caring for Someone with Memory Loss (Dementia & Alzheimer’s)

A smiling female staff member gently places her hands on a resident's shoulders as his head is turned towards and he is smiling back

Caring for Someone with Memory Loss Memory loss can be an emotional process for everyone involved. Sometimes it can be challenging to show how much we care while coping with everyday tasks. Finding a way forward may not always be easy, but we can give you a hand with some simple methods. Our Memory Care […]

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What is the Difference Between Skilled Nursing and Memory Care?

A young smiling nurse putting a blanket around a sitting male senior citizen at a retirement home

The team at Arcadia at Limerick Pointe understands how overwhelming it can be to choose the correct level of care for your elderly loved one, and we want to help.  Online research provides many options, and it can be challenging to determine the most suitable choice when considering your family member’s specific care needs. You […]

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What Is a Personal Care Home for Seniors?

A group of seniors around a table having fun and enjoying social time with friends

A Little Assistance Encourages Independence  Personal care homes are often compared with nursing homes, but these two types of communities are very different. Personal care homes help older adults maintain their independence while assisting with challenging tasks.  Nursing home residents often require specialized 24-hour care, whereas adults living in personal care communities may only need […]

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What Happens at Memory Care?

A nurse showing a senior man a photo album in a memory care facility

Designed For Memory Loss  If you have a loved one with memory loss, you may be familiar with the concept of memory care. Memory care provides housing and round-the-clock care for patients with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.  A facility specializing in memory care offers a safe, personalized, and specially designed environment, created to help improve […]

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10 Benefits of Religion for Seniors

A group of seniors sitting at a table holding hands praying

Religion and spirituality play a significant role in many people’s lives. As people age, it can serve a fundamental purpose. It can positively impact a senior’s quality of life by bringing meaning to everyday tasks and supporting them in facing life’s challenges.  Many senior living communities have services and amenities to support spirituality and religion […]

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Housekeeping (Limerick, PA)

Arcadia at Limerick Pointe is a brand-new retirement community for Independent, Personal Care and Memory Care Living. Arcadia is part of Vantage Point Retirement a family-owned and operated organization born out of the belief that seniors deserve more when it comes to senior living.  We are looking for a thorough housekeeper with excellent cleanliness standards to […]

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Full Time Wait Staff (Limerick, PA)

Arcadia at Limerick Pointe is a beautiful, new senior living community opening in December 2020, offering Independent Living, Personal Care and Memory Care. Arcadia is seeking positive, compassionate, and courteous wait staff to provide an exceptional dining experience for our residents. Wait staff responsibilities include, but are not limited to, ensuring tables are clean and […]

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