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How to Talk to Your Parents About Assisted Living

A lady in a white collared blouse sits on a chair face to face with his elderly father in a blue shirt. Her right hand is touching her father's left shoulder while they are talking about assisted living.

When your parents can benefit from extra care and support, assisted living can help. However, your parents may have questions, concerns, or problems about moving into a new community. If you’re talking with your parents about assisted living, how can you make this conversation go smoothly?  Continue reading to learn more about how to talk […]

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5 Benefits of Music for Seniors Dealing With Alzheimer’s

Group of seniors playing percussion instruments during music class.

Caring for a loved one with memory loss can be challenging, especially if you start noticing them lose interest in their surroundings. Thankfully there are tools, such as music, that can help improve their mood and create an atmosphere for social connections. Music, according to researchers, stimulates many parts of the brain at the same […]

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Religious Based Senior Care (Catholic, Christian, & Jewish Senior Care)

A woman holds a religious book with her right hand on top of it.

Faith is something that determines many people’s decisions in life. So, why would an aging adult not consider their faith regarding the senior living community they want to be a part of?  For many people, their faith is what gets them through each day. They love and rely on their religious community for advice, comfort, […]

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Benefits of Personal Care Homes for Senior Living

Young female caregiver assists a resident with organizing laundry.

Benefits of Personal Care Homes for Senior Living Personal care may be right for someone if they need support with daily living. The services and amenities provided with this lifestyle help you or a loved one live independently while getting necessary assistance.  Continue reading to learn more about personal care, including what it is and […]

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10 Methods to Caring for Someone with Memory Loss (Dementia & Alzheimer’s)

A smiling female staff member gently places her hands on a resident's shoulders as his head is turned towards and he is smiling back

Caring for Someone with Memory Loss Memory loss can be an emotional process for everyone involved. Sometimes it can be challenging to show how much we care while coping with everyday tasks. Finding a way forward may not always be easy, but we can give you a hand with some simple methods. Our Memory Care […]

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What is the Difference Between Skilled Nursing and Memory Care?

A young smiling nurse putting a blanket around a sitting male senior citizen at a retirement home

The team at Arcadia at Limerick Pointe understands how overwhelming it can be to choose the correct level of care for your elderly loved one, and we want to help.  Online research provides many options, and it can be challenging to determine the most suitable choice when considering your family member’s specific care needs. You […]

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