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Karen Garland

We’re thrilled to formally announce the addition of Karen Garland to our Vantage Point and Arcadia families! Karen joined us in March and jumped right into her role as the Executive Director at Arcadia at Limerick Pointe.

As Executive Director, Karen will wear many hats to ensure that Arcadia is the best place to live—and work! In the pre-opening phase, Karen is working with local officials to gather permits and certifications for the community to provide best-in-class services and amenities to our residents, as well as maintaining communications with all of the teams involved in development and construction.

Once Arcadia opens, Karen will oversee all day to day operations, staffing, and overall resident experience. Karen says of her role, “as the Director of a community, my job is to establish and implement values within the community that embody the culture and quality of service recognized within Vantage Point.”

While coming on board in this capacity only recently, Karen has been a member of the Vantage Point family since 1996! Karen worked with Vantage Point to open two other communities, and boasts an excellent track record within those communities, and also has a clinical nursing background, making her the perfect person to fill this role at Arcadia.

When she’s not busy in the office, you can find Karen snuggling her first granddaughter, or enjoying a murder mystery story. Karen is also very fond of Roanoke Virginia and the Blue Ridge Mountains, especially in the warm summer sun.

Written by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe

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