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Merriment & Memories at Arcadia

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The holidays are for celebrating with family and we love spending time with our Arcadia Family! Recently, we had the opportunity to celebrate with our VIP early-depositors and their loved ones.

We met at St. Teresa’s and traveled by bus to Shady Brook Farm in Yardley, PA. Kim led everyone in a gift exchange game on the ride. We then drove through the whimsical displays of millions of twinkling lights, all in the warm and cozy bus. The bright lights helped get everyone in the holiday spirit!

After seeing the show, we stopped at the Pub and enjoyed some quality time together and holiday cheer before heading back home.

Check out some highlights from our trip in the video below!

Are you ready to take the next step towards living life your way at Arcadia? Contact us and make your fully-refundable deposit today!

Written by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe

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