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Benefits of Sensory Activities for Dementia Patients

Mature woman sitting with her caregiver.

Navigating the journey of dementia can be challenging, but incorporating sensory activities into the daily routine of those affected offers a beacon of hope and comfort. Just as play and lifelong learning are essential for seniors, sensory stimulation is crucial for individuals with dementia. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of sensory activities […]

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Do Spouses Automatically Have Power of Attorney?

A senior woman with a senior man shaking hands with a female lawyer.

Assisted living facilities offer a supportive environment for those who require some assistance with daily activities while still valuing their independence. Maintaining autonomy is important for the well-being and quality of life of residents.  As people transition into assisted living, there’s a heightened need to plan for potential changes in health and decision-making capabilities. While […]

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10 Great Ways Seniors Can Volunteer in the Community

A senior woman teaching a young child how to draw.

Volunteering has numerous benefits, including improved physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The best part is that you can volunteer and see benefits from doing so at any age. Some of the great programs and organizations older adults can volunteer for in their community include:  Charities State and national parks Animal shelters Food delivery services Foster […]

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What Is The Compass Memory Care?

A senior woman with short grey hair is smiling and resting her hands on a cane as she looks directly at the camera.

When it comes to memory impairment, it can be difficult to manage alone. Typically, conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other forms of memory impairment can lead to the need for specialized care. This is when memory care communities come into play—residential communities specifically set up to combat the complications caused by memory impairment. Here at […]

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10 Physical Activities for Seniors in Memory Care

A senior woman and a senior man smiling while walking in a park.

Being physically active is not only good for the body, but it’s also great for our brain and mental wellness. For seniors in memory care, maintaining an active lifestyle is essential to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Some physical activities seniors in memory care can participate in include yoga, tai chi, dancing, walking, swimming, […]

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The Benefits of Faith for Happiness

A senior man sitting at a table holding a book and engaged in conversation with an elderly woman in a wheelchair.

Faith can significantly impact our happiness and overall quality of life. For seniors, embracing and engaging in spiritual practices can help provide a sense of purpose, cultivate supportive relationships, foster hope and optimism, encourage a healthy lifestyle, and develop mindfulness. We can help you explore the numerous benefits of faith on one’s mental and emotional […]

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