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Arcadia at Limerick Pointe Now Accepting Deposits

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Vantage Point Retirement Living is proud to announce that it is now accepting deposits for those who wish to join a wait list for Arcadia at Limerick Pointe.  Becoming a depositor is 100% RISK-FREE AND REFUNDABLE! 

Even though Arcadia at Limerick Pointe is not projected to open until late 2018, there are still big benefits to becoming a depositor. So if you think Arcadia might be a fit for you down the line, consider joining our depositor wait list. Here are few reasons why:

  1. It’s risk-free!  There is absolutely no obligation and your deposit is fully-refundable. If, for any reason, you decide to request a refund it will be issued in full within ten days of receiving a written request

  2. A lot can change before late 2018.  Are you ready to move into a retirement community today? The answer is likely no if you are researching a community that won’t open until late 2018. But down the road your opinion might change. Being an early depositor gives you more options and choice than later depositors.

  3. You will receive early access to Charter Membership. Those who are on the depositor wait list will be contacted first, in chronological order of deposit date/number, before the Charter Membership program launches to the general public. Charter Members are an exclusive group of people who will be the first residents at Arcadia.

  4. We will hold your ‘place in line.’ Becoming a depositor will give you priority standing throughout the construction process, even if you decide to skip Charter Membership when you are contacted. The earlier you deposit, the higher priority you will have

  5. Upon opening, depositors will have early access to join wait list for specific units. If you are still not ready to move into Arcadia when the community opens, that’s okay! Maintaining your depositor status during construction means you will have the first opportunity to add your name to a wait list for specific apartments.

Do you want to become a depositor? The process is simple and involves filling out a short wait list deposit form and submitting a payment for $2,500 (made payable to Arcadia at Limerick Pointe). Give us a call today at 610-643-4066 or email [email protected]

Written by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe

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