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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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Benefits of Play for Seniors

A group of senior residents excitedly play Jenga together.

Play isn’t just for kids; it’s a part of staying active and engaged at every stage of life. Incorporating play into daily routines can lead to profound physical, mental, and emotional benefits for seniors. This includes improving cardiovascular health, supporting cognitive function, and fostering relationships with others. At Arcadia at Limerick Pointe, we believe in […]

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Safe Driving Tips for Seniors

A smiling older adult checks over their shoulder while driving.

Driving can be a liberating experience, offering freedom and independence. But as we age, maintaining safety on the road becomes even more important.  We need to acknowledge the natural changes that occur with aging and adapt our driving habits accordingly. Some practical tips to help ensure safe driving for older adults, along with ways to […]

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10 Great Ways Seniors Can Volunteer in the Community

A senior woman teaching a young child how to draw.

Volunteering has numerous benefits, including improved physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The best part is that you can volunteer and see benefits from doing so at any age. Some of the great programs and organizations older adults can volunteer for in their community include:  Charities State and national parks Animal shelters Food delivery services Foster […]

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What Is The Compass Memory Care?

A senior woman with short grey hair is smiling and resting her hands on a cane as she looks directly at the camera.

When it comes to memory impairment, it can be difficult to manage alone. Typically, conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other forms of memory impairment can lead to the need for specialized care. This is when memory care communities come into play—residential communities specifically set up to combat the complications caused by memory impairment. Here at […]

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How to Calm an Elderly Person with Dementia

A grandmother with dementia is going for a walk in the senior living community with her loved one while holding arms.

It’s a sad fact, but many older adults with dementia have an impaired ability to think, remember, and make decisions. Besides these cognitive changes, loved ones with dementia can also present psychological changes.  Anxiety, agitation, paranoia, and mood swings are common behavioral and personality changes in dementia. Memory care in senior living communities offers research-based […]

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5 Benefits of Music for Seniors Dealing With Alzheimer’s

Group of seniors playing percussion instruments during music class.

Caring for a loved one with memory loss can be challenging, especially if you start noticing them lose interest in their surroundings. Thankfully there are tools, such as music, that can help improve their mood and create an atmosphere for social connections. Music, according to researchers, stimulates many parts of the brain at the same […]

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