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Arcadia: September Construction Update

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Fall has officially arrived! And though it still FEELS very much like summer, we have to say we’re falling more in love with Arcadia as each season brings us closer to opening. 

Looking toward the future, next year at this exact time we’ll be putting the finishing touches on the community and getting it ready to open! It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come. And while we’ve made lots of progress, there is still SO MUCH to do.

That’s why for this month’s update, we decided to break from tradition a bit. We love shooting these videos on site as much as you love seeing them, but we have some REALLY cool things happening in the coming weeks – and we had to share them with you!

Check out the video below for a sneak peek at some construction images, but more importantly some big updates on our next event – and our newest team member!

As always, we’re available to chat with you on the phone or in person. You can contact us at 610-981-1904, [email protected], or requesting a personal appointment online.

Written by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe

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