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Arcadia – October Construction Update

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Construction Update - Arcadia

Wow! Arcadia construction is going along incredibly well! The community’s independent living section is under roof, with windows and balconies being installed. The construction team is hard at work, moving from one end of the building to the other. On the assisted living and memory care side, concrete has been poured and steel will be finished around Thanksgiving. Most excitingly, the entire community is planned to be completely enclosed and under roof around February. 


And MOST importantly, in this update we’re introducing you to our newest team member, Kim Kostival. Kim is Arcadia’s community relations director is THE person to help you discover more about Arcadia, learn how it could be a perfect fit for your lifestyle, and help you select the ideal apartment for you. We are so excited to have Kim join our Arcadia team and she’s fit right in very quickly. 

If you haven’t had a chance to meet Kim yet, we hope you have a chance to soon! Feel free to drop her an email at [email protected] or call 610-981-1904.  We have so many positive things going on at the community now and in the next few months – it’s impossible to put it in just one update!

Over the next few weeks, stay tuned for more updates and invitations!


The Arcadia Team

Written by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe

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