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Arcadia | List of Depositors Growing Rapidly

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The official start of construction at Arcadia at Limerick has brought with it much excitement for our opening in 2020. And although that seems like a long time away, it really isn’t.

5 Deposits in One Day!

In fact, last week we held an open house at St. Teresa of Calcutta that resulted in five deposits in just ONE day. Our list of depositors has grown to the point that our initial incentive program, Charter Membership, will be filled with our current depositors. In an effort to meet the great demand for independent living at Arcadia, we’ve introduced a few secondary programs that anyone who chooses to move into Arcadia within 60-days of our opening will be able to take advantage of: Club and Founding Membership.

Both benefits will provide extensive benefits, but they differ depending on how early a person places a deposit with Arcadia. BOTH benefits offer:

  • Significant financial discounts – amounting to thousands in the first year of residency
  • Invitations join in on exclusive, depositor-only events
  • Priority apartment selection
  • The ability to help shape the community’s programs and character
  • … and much more.

Arcadia is shaping up to become the premier community in the region for those who seek a worry-free, wellness-focused lifestyle. If you think a community like this MIGHT match what you’re looking for in your future home, we urge you to place a fully-refundable deposit today. You can even reserve your spot on the wait list via our secure website right now.

To talk about our available Club and Founding Member programs, click here to request an appointment with Team Arcadia!

Written by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe

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