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Arcadia Depositors and a Ghoulishly Good Time

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A Ghoulishly Good Time! - Web Hero

Our Depositors and Arcadia families recently joined together for a ‘ghoulishly’ good time and luncheon. A great time was had by all and the group enjoyed getting to know each other as well as the newest Arcadia team member, Kim Kostival.

When a person makes the decision to place a (fully-refundable) deposit at Arcadia, they’re also joining a growing community and extended family of individuals. Taking this step allows depositors to get to know Arcadia as a community and team, and more importantly get to know new friends and (hopefully) future neighbors.

This stage of Arcadia’s development is very exciting, and we love sharing this excitement with so many!  If you’re interested in becoming a depositor, contact us today!

We’ll be hosting many more exclusive depositor and VIP events, including our upcoming annual Holiday Depositor Party! We can’t wait to share the holiday magic with our Arcadia friends and family!

Written by Arcadia at Limerick Pointe

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